Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's a Celebration

Today, me and the hubs are celebrating 3 years of marriage.  The years are going by so fast!  Happy Anniversary to us!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chicken Piccata

Today's recipe is an Italian chicken dish that I made a couple days ago.  I've had chicken piccata at restaurants, but this was my first time making it here at home.  It turned out DEE-lish.  First off, ANY dish that uses fried chicken as a base can't be all that bad and combined with lemon, buttery flavors--it can't help but be a winner.



Season chicken with salt and pepper. Dredge chicken in flour and shake off excess.
In a large skillet over medium high heat, melt 2 tablespoons of butter with 3 tablespoons olive oil. When butter and oil start to sizzle, add 2 pieces of chicken and cook for 3 minutes. When chicken is browned, flip and cook other side for 3 minutes. Remove and transfer to plate. Melt 2 more tablespoons butter and add another 2 tablespoons olive oil. When butter and oil start to sizzle, add the other 2 pieces of chicken and brown both sides in same manner. Remove pan from heat and add chicken to the plate.
Into the pan add the lemon juice, stock and capers. Return to stove and bring to boil, scraping up brown bits from the pan for extra flavor. Check for seasoning. Return all the chicken to the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove chicken to platter. Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter to sauce and whisk vigorously. Pour sauce over chicken and garnish with parsley.

Tips & Mods

-I actually didn't alter this recipe in any way.  I will say though, if you're not a person who is big on lemon-y flavors--you may want to reduce the quantity of lemon juice by just a tad.

-This is an Italian dish, so whenever I've been served this in a restaurants, it was always over pasta or another pasta dish was with it as a side.  I wasn't wanting pasta this particular day, so I had it with oven-roasted broccoli and Parmesan mashed potatoes. 

Hope you guys enjoy!

Recipe courtesy of Giada de Laurentis of The Food Network

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Three Things...

1. Family
2. Friends (old & new)
3. Good health

These are the things that I am MOST and always thankful for. With these things, I know that I can face any curve balls life throws my way! Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pink Zebra

Perfect weekend outfit for me.  These palazzo pants I'd bought months ago from Forever 21 with the intent of wearing them during the summer.  They are a really comfy knit material--almost like a sweatshirt for your legs.  They are a navy and like a salmon zebra print.  The top is a heather gray top that I've had for so long, I'm not sure where it's from.  Threw on my current fave wedge booties and was ready to seize the day.

Oh, and just took about 4+ inches off my hair and i love it!! It looks and moves much better while straight or curly.  I feel less Amish now. lol

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bare Face...

+ Bare-ly styled hair [equals] Cheers to the freakin' weekend! Have a great one.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Keep it Tight

I've been a little under the weather the past couple days, but how hard is it to sit and pedal?

Sent from iPhone

Fall Transition

So, the other day I was at home bored and something inside of me said "Hey, why not play some dress-up?"  I looked into my closet and immediately came up with the idea to style one of my summer dresses into an autumn/winter dress.  So the first thing I did was pick a dress.  I chose this one because of all my summer dresses, it was only one of few that wasn't overkill with bright colors (because that's not very autumn-y), and the fact that it is strapless would give me some options with layering.  So, here's how I "winterized" my dress--real simple, I (a) put it on over a turtleneck, (b) added tights, and (c) threw on some fall/winter shoes, well booties.  So in a nutshell, that's how yours truly would winterize a summer frock.  This can be done with rompers too, of which you'll probably see in a future post.  The jury is still out on how I feel about THIS particular dress being winterized.  Not sure if I'm really feeling the silhouette, but hey, thought I'd post the pics anyway.  Honeybadger don't care!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fab Mom: Style Inspiration

I was skimming through past posts of mine and realized that pretty much all of my "style inspiration" posts where I'm highlighting a celebrity or public figure's style, were all women with child(ren).  So I've decided to purposely make a "fab mom" style inspiration post weekly.  Just to show and prove that being a mom does not have to hinder anyone's ability to look great or be an inspiration to other mom's or even childless ladies.  I hope to feature some real life mom's and of course, celebrity style as well.

First up:  Jennifer Lopez.  This dress KILLS.  It's okay to still show some leg ladies (well in her case, a LOT of leg), even after having babies.

If anyone happens to catch a knock-off of this, let a girl know!

J.Lo in Argentina last week.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pashmina Luv

My neighborhood is so beautiful this time of year.  Colorful trees all around leaving their mark with all of the leaves on the ground.  I decided to take a few pics of what I'm wearing.  Sometimes I wear my scarves as part of my outfit, instead of as an accessory to my outfit. It's kind of like turning a pashmina into a vest.  Vest-mina anyone?

Old Navy shirt
F21 pashmina-esque scarf
vintage belt
UO jeans
Target booties

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hair Babble: Instead of French Braids, French Twists?

So as you've seen in a previous post, one of my quick go-to styles is when I put my hair into two french braids and wear that a couple days (from laziness and also allowing it to airdry), but then ultimately taking them down to wear a loose, fluffy braidout.  Well, I decided to try out this same formula with two big flat twists instead of braids.  I did this (1) because it's a bit quicker and less hair tangling while putting them in--working with 2 pieces vs 3 pieces with a braid is significant, (2) because twists don't hold as tightly as a braid, they dry faster, and (3) and due to #2 just mentioned, they shrink up more, which will give me a bigger/fuller style.

Now with these big twists, they will not reform your curl like a braidout would--or twists done on smaller sections of hair.  This will more than likely just elongate and stretch your existing curl pattern.

Twists just put in on wet hair.

I put in the twists after dousing my hair in coconut oil, once sectioned I applied the Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk and then twisted.  Do you notice in the middle picture that my edges have thinned slightly at the temples?  Yea, that's from postpartum shedding.  Another "perk" (sarcasm) of pregnancy that they don't warn us about!  I experienced it with my first son, and it grows back. I may do a whole post on it. lol

See the shrinkage?

This is how I wear it out of the house while running errands.  Just throw a hat over it.  [I run army green into the ground, as you can see.]  I'm also not opposed to wearing the style without the hat.  It just depends on how neat I am able to get the flat twists each particular time.  I don't, however, stress over getting them super neat.

Final result
Verdict is in--I can live with this.  It took me all of 5 minutes to put the twists in, only a day to air dry and I basically have a stretched glorified wash-n-go.  Because it is stretched--it will last me longer than a wash-n-go, so it is definitely worth the 5-10 prep.  Also, as I'm typing this, my hair has fluffed out more and I like it even more.  I rushed and took this pic immediately after I took it down.  So, yea, when I'm tired of walking around in a bun--I will just do this.  Because it is stretched hair, I am able to pull it up into a bun or ponytail easily as well! 

Take care!


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not Your Ordinary Spaghetti

Today's dish I'm sharing with you is a spaghetti dish that I make about 2-3 times a month.  I think it's pretty common that most families have a "spaghetti night"  regularly because it is usually a cheap meal and can yield enough leftovers to last another night.  According to my husband, I "can never do anything 'regular'"--and I guess the same goes for our "spaghetti night" dish. haha  I'm just not a big fan of regular old spaghetti.  I found this dish on one of my favorite recipe sites and it's been in my repertoire ever since.  It's really just dressed up spaghetti & meat sauce.  Enjoy!


2 ounces uncooked spaghetti, broken in
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons sour cream
1/2 pound ground turkey
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 teaspoon butter or margarine
1/3 cup tomato sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1. Cook spaghetti according to package directions; drain. In a bowl, combine the egg, Parmesan cheese and spaghetti. Press spaghetti mixture onto the bottom and up sides of a greased shallow 2-cup baking dish or 7-in. pie plate. Spread with sour cream.
2. Crumble turkey into a skillet; add the pepper, onion and butter. Cook over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Stir in the tomato sauce, garlic salt, oregano, salt and pepper. Spoon into spaghetti crust. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Cover edges loosely with foil. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted. Serve immediately.

Tips & Mods:

- Skip the whole sauce making and just use 2/3 jar of Ragu sauce.  I use the sauteed onion & garlic flavor.

- I also add about a teaspoon of sugar to the the turkey & sauce.  It cuts some of the "sharp" taste that tomato sauce can have.

- Sometimes I add hot pepper flakes for a little kick, if I know that my son won't be eating it--which he usually doesn't. He'd rather have PB & J or hot dog. *sigh*

- I always use whole wheat pasta.  It's like quadruple the fiber and it doesn't taste any different from regular pasta.  Before it's cooked, it looks slightly brown, but once cooked it pretty much takes on the color of regular pasta.

- I use a lot more cheese than is listed.  I use about a cup of parmesan in the pasta, and I COVER the dish in mozzarella.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Flashback Friday Anyone?

Since we happened to be on the subject of fitness and health in my last post, I thought I'd share with you all this picture one of my friends posted on Facebook of me when I was in my 8th month of pregnancy.  I ADORE this picture because I think it epitomizes the tone of both of my pregnancies.  I still always had lots of fun, and I was always very much active.  I get a lot of props from people I know because of my "snap back" ability after having my kids.  Most don't realize that I was very much in shape prior to getting pregnant, which makes it A LOT easier to get back down to where one would like to be, and also, I continued to workout and remain active for as long as I could through each pregnancy.  It really is no magic secret to it!  Anyway, hope you all have a slammin' weekend!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Keep It Tight: A Little Motivation

So my youngest has finally reached the 3 month old mark, which means he is now old enough to stay in the Kids Zone at the YMCA.  This is a big deal, because I can actually get back to a real workout routine that includes weightlifting/strength training/yoga/pilates.  Up until now, I've been doing mostly cardio (walking or running outside with the jog stroller), but I kind of gotten burned out on that--not to mention, it's becoming too chilly outside for my taste.  I've still hit the gym on the weekends at times when hubs is home, but that would be only once, maybe twice, a week. Anyway, to celebrate being able to get back to a REAL schedule (for me that is 3-4 times a week--no weekends), here are a few motivational photos:

Lets Move!!!

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