Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Neon Lace or Neon Overload... be the judge!

Shoes - Steve Madden, Watch - Michael Kors, Sunnies - Target, Bracelets - random, Hair - brushed out rollerset

So what do you think of this absolutely fabulous frock I scored from  I was hoping I would get this dress in the mail and get a post up about it in a timely fashion while it was still available so you gals could pick one up--but alas, it's gone.  :(  I suggest you check your local store to see if they have them in stock!

Anyway--meet my new beach/pool cover-up!  F21 marketed it as a dress, but being all lace, I assumed it would work better as a cover-up.  But hey, if you have the chutzpa to wear this as a dress with the proper undergarments (and cute belt couldn't hurt)--go for it!  Me and the hubs are taking a trip to Jamaica next month to attend a wedding, and I am so excited to wear this there.  So you will see this again.

Nik says:  Neon rocks!!

P.S.  I'm obsessed with all the new "high-low" dresses/skirts.  Aren't you?


  1. i absolutely love it!!!i thought you might have gotten it from american apparel or something it def doesnt look like it came from f21 thats awesome i might have to check that out

  2. I LOVE you dress!! is stunning!! and colour!!♥♥ xxoo

  3. you look great in this! i too am really in love wtih the hi-low look, even though i don't have any items lol

  4. WOW Nik this is tooo cute! Love it! and yes hi low dresses are the bomb!

  5. I LOVE it!! I need to get to Forever right away and find this cover-up/dress. I think it could be worn as a a dress with a nude mini tight /thin dress. It will give the illusion of nude but you're not nude! ha! Anyway, you look great in this and I'm sure you will get so many heads turned on the beach!

  6. Ayeshia/ Sparkle ScrubsApril 12, 2012 at 4:34 AM

    Are those the Steve Madden Gretta's? I had a pair in nude and I ruined them by leaving them in the basement over the winter...arggghhh fml. You look stunning I LOVE it! I may have to steal the dress even tho I said I wanted it in nude. Forever I go tomorrow! lol

  7. Thank you everyone! Hope you're able to snag one!

    Ayeshia--yep they're Gretta! :)

  8. Love it!
    I saw this dress a few weeks back but no size large in store or online :(
    I hope they restock them! Sometimes they do that with very popular items that sell out quickly.
    I love the high low trend because with my height (5'11 1/2) and big ole booty its much more flattering than shorter length dresses.
    Thanks for sharing!
    If anyone finds it in Large, I'll paypal you the funds cause in NY they are SOLD OUT as far as I've seen for the past few weeks! LOL

  9. This looks good on you. Your legs are ah-mazing! If you train them, you must share your tips.

  10. You look AWESOME! I think this is really nice as a pool covering.


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