
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Two New Recipes to Try

Just thought I'd do a quick post on two dishes that I've made this week that are share-worthy.  One I'd gotten from Pinterest, and the other from a blog that I follow.

Above is a pic of the Taco Pizza recipe I'd stumbled upon on Pinterest.  It was pretty yummy, and a great way to switch things up as far as pizza goes.  It's really easy, and I suggest you give it a try!

Last, is this Lentil & Kale dish that was posted on a blog that I follow (and you should probably follow too).  If you've spent any time on the interwebs, you know that kale is all the rage as well lentils.  There's like a big "healthy eating" movement going on, and it's a good thing because it yields us recipes like this one.  Me personally, I love lentils and was very open to trying a new recipe, especially one that is made in my boo crock pot.  I enjoyed this as a side dish.  Also, in the recipe, it calls for 3 cups of broth--I used 4.  Just an FYI.  So if you are also on the healthy eating movement and want a dish that's packed with lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  I suggest you give this a try!

Happy Hump Day!

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