
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful & Back Home

Lighting of the "tree". (Downtown Indianapolis)

I'm a little late in wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, I know.  I have an excuse!  Me and the family took a road trip up to Indianapolis (where I'm from) to spend time with my family for the holiday.  Road tripping with two kids for 8 hours each way is no easy feat!  Nevertheless, it was totally worth it.  I miss seeing my family on a regular basis at times, but I don't think I could ever move back to Indiana.  We all pick our battles, I suppose.

Me and my beloved Grammy.  She was in her "cleaning clothes" and was not happy for the photo op!

So, now that I'm back in Atlanta, I'm about to twist up my hair and get back on my workout wagon big-time.  I may even do a cleanse from my favorite local juice spot here called Arden's Garden.  We're heading to The Bahamas for Christmas and I want to be ready!

 Hope you all had a fantastic holiday!


  1. Your hair is so long! I miss seeing my family on a regular too but, I will not be moving to West Palm Beach. Lol

  2. Your grammy is so cute! We were in ATL for thanksgiving. We enjoyed the mild weather. Now we are back in NYC.

  3. Nik, I didin't know you were from Indy! So am I, but not Indianapolis. What a blessing to have your granny around! Both of mine are deceased and what I wouldn't give to have a pic now of her in whatever get-up!


  4. Hi Nik,

    A blessing to be with family and for your Granny to still be living :-)...I hear you on the working out and cleansing...I'm so keep us posted on your workout regimen. I so wish I was going to be in the Bahamas for X-mas... :-)


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