
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Mentions

So, as you already know, me and the hubs had a quick little date night on Saturday.  We decided to give a new (to us) restaurant a try.  We dined at Aqua Blue in Alpharetta (a suburb of ATL) and can I tell you, the food was AWESOME.

The ambiance was nice, and my cocktail was perfect.  I wish I could give you the name of it, but I forgot and they don't have their cocktail menu on the website.  Anyway, it was some kind of Basil, Lime martini that was absolutely fabulous.

I'm not going to go through our full meal, because I didn't take pictures of all of it.  I will tell you about MY dish, which happened to be the "special" of the night.  It was a pan seared duck breast with some kind of apple chutney, along with green beans and mashed potatoes.  And if that wasn't enough, they topped the whole thing with shrimp.  I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Have I mentioned, I've never met a duck dish that I didn't like?  I tend to order it often.

Hubs had a couple sushi rolls, which were delicious as well.

Instead of desert, we opted for French press coffee while continuing to chat.  All in all, I was one happy camper.

If you're ever in Alpharetta--go!


  1. I've never had duck before but it sounds amazing!

    You look gorgeous!!

  2. OMG YOU MAKE ME HUNGRY HAHAHA lovely pics!!!

  3. Looks divine! I love the chatting after dinner; so relaxing and the hubby and I definitely enjoy doing so - especially after dealing 3 kids most of the day!


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