
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

GO :: Georgia Aquarium

This past weekend, hubs suggested we take the kids to the Georgia Aquarium here in Atlanta.  It's supposedly "state of the art" and we still had not been.  So we went!  It was really nice, I have to say.  We started off with the live dolphin show, Dolphin Tales, which the boys thoroughly enjoyed.  I have no pictures of that, as they asked that no photographs be taken as it could distract the animals, etc.  After that, we went through all of the exhibits.  There are several.  There are even exhibits where you can even touch some of the sea life.  I touched a stingray!  We even pit stopped in their restaurant, Cafe Aquaria, which was nicer than I would have expected. 

Just a few pics...

Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium

georgia aquarium

georgia aquarium

georgia aquarium

georgia aquarium jellyfish

georgia aquarium
georgia aquarium seadragon sea dragon
Sea Dragon.  How cute is that?!

I definitely think if you live in the Atlanta area or are visiting, it's a must see!



  1. Oh, GORGEOUS! I've wanted to go to the Georgia Aquarium for several years now. Your photographs tell a beautiful story. Well, it looks like Chi-Town is in 2nd place now. +Michi

    1. We'll definitely have to visit next time you're here! *wink* We could take some awesome photos!

  2. I absolutely love the GA Aquarium and your kids are so adorable! - Sabrina

  3. Really cool pictures. That little sea dragon is adorable. Almost makes me want one. Almost.

    I've always wanted to visit the aquarium, the MLK center, and the Coca Cola center. The last time I was in Georgia I didn't get a chance to visit any of these places but next time, I will!

    1. I want one too! I've always loved seahorses, but those little guys stole my heart! lol

  4. Your boys are so adorable! I love the first pic of them looking at the fish. They look so fascinated. It looks like a good time was had by all. Good idea Hubs! Lol!

  5. Super cuteness and my eldest wore glasses as a little boy as well. Awwwww.
    The one of him and the jelly fish should be FRAMED and I can "see" the baby's
    personality through his pics. lol. How adorable.

    1. Thank you! Yea, I actually love the little glasses on him, I have to say. ;)


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