
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kansas anyone?

Last week, me and the fam took a quick trip to Kansas City.  It was actually a work-related trip for my hubs (and I guess us too).  In the past, I've made a couple posts talking about a possible move in our future.  Moving to the Bahamas (where hubs is from) was contemplated, and then found out about some opportunities in other cities at hubs' company.  We actually thought we were going to end up in Houston, Texas--but as it turns out, Kansas City came a callin'.  I know, I know....I was a bit apprehensive too when I was asked "How would feel about living in Kansas City?", but after our trip I do feel a lot better about it.  It is actually a really nice town.  Who knew?!  We don't plan to live in KC indefinitely, hopefully the things my husband wants to get accomplished happens in a few years tops.  I know I will be missing the climate and diversity of the south. *tear*

Anyway, here are pics of our trip.

My boys are seasoned travelers. lol

great wolf lodge
We stayed at this hotel/resort-ish place called Great Wolf Lodge.  It was pretty cool and super family-friendly.  As you can see, it is set up to look like, well...a lodge.

great wolf lodge
In the rooms, they have this little "cave" area with bunk beds for the kids.  My boys LOVED them.  We're actually going to upgrade their toddler beds to bunk beds after we move.  My youngest (who still crawls into our bed in the middle of the night) stayed in his little bunk the whole night every.single.night we were there!  So yea, bunk beds are in the works.

great wolf lodge water park

Did I mention, that there is an indoor water park at Great Wolf Lodge?

great wolf lodge water park
The water park was huge!
the plaza kansas city

Also, in Kansas City, there is this huge shopping district called The Plaza.  It is 15 blocks of shopping and more shopping, and eating!!  It was this area that sealed the deal for me.  Not only because of the shopping and eating, but because the area is modeled after Seville, Spain.  The Spanish style architecture is gorgeous, and there are statues and fountains scattered throughout.  This gave me a little bit of a nostalgic feeling of my living in Miami days.

the plaza kansas city
kansas city barbecue bbq
You can't go to Kansas and not eat any Kansas barbeque!

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

By the way, the fountain water is pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I think they should keep it that way year around!

I look forward to keeping you all posted on the big move.  Happy Tuesday!



  1. Looks like such a fun trip! And those ribs look delicious through my computer screen!


  2. kansas wtf!!!!!!! you're suppose to be moving close to me..... we need to talk... on the other note the place seem pretty from the pictures

    1. I know, right! You'll have to come visit me! Then again, I guess it's my turn to come up there. Maybe you should franchise and can help me set up Swaye location #2. *wink wink* :)

  3. looks like a gorgeous place to live! love all the pictures!

    sending you lots of great vibes on your move! i know moving to a new place is big but i know you'll do great!

    1. Thx Faith! Looks like there is a "relocation bug" going around!

  4. It looks soo nice there! I'd heard of Great Wolf Lodge but it looks so much better than the stories. Enjoy yourself and your new surroundings for as long as you can! Good luck on the move!

    1. Thanks Faye! I'd never heard of it, but now my boys are in love. I see some staycations in our future. lol

  5. I wish you and your family the best of luck on the move to Kansas. You only live once, so hey... WHY NOT?? I've never been there but it really sounds like a nice place. :)

    1. Thx Adrienne! Btw, got my earrings! Post coming soon!

  6. wow! the pictures and trip look like it was fun! it may not be where you wanna be but it won't be forever and the irony is to enjoy the moment! your picture album in your golden years will be the with all the places and experiences you've been exposed to from Indie to Miami to ATL and now Kansas! enjoy the journey!

    1. You're exactly right! It helps that I tend to see most things as an "adventure"! It makes dealing with change so much easier.

  7. I lived in KCMO for a couple of years and LOVED it! The people are wonderful, there is always lots to do, especially in the plaza, great concerts at the Kauffman Center and wonderful Barbecue (Oklahoma Joe's and Gate's). I lived in Florida before, so I had to get used to being land locked and get used to not eating much seafood, otherwise its a wonderful city. Its beautiful, doesn't get too cold, and is close to St Louis and Chicago. Hope you enjoy your time there!

    1. Thank you! Comments like this make me feel much better! I feel like it is a nice city, but it's better to hear that from someone who's actually lived there. Can't wait to post more blogs about my new city!

  8. Wow, you're really moving to Kansas City? I live here and it would be wonderful if guys moved here! I'm so glad you had a nice stay in our little "big" city. We welcome you with open arms!

  9. This is so surprising! I can't wait until we're there at the same time so we can connect and go out to one of my fave Plaza spots! You're going to be upset about the weather. KC isn't Atlanta, but there's good food, some good people and you guys can really 'stack some bread' while being there. We lived in Lee's Summit, and to this day I still miss my house there. I love the Kansas areas too.
    And both of our boys come get in our bed, between the hours of 4:30-6:30am every week. Before last week, my youngest was coming in everyday, but over the summer, they both came in every morning. I think we'll be looking for cool bunk beds too to give them something cool to STAY in.

    1. Thanks, Deia! We will definitely link up! BTW, stacking bread is ALWAYS a good thing. lol

      Definitely look into the bunk beds. My boys were so excited by them. I think it makes them feel like "big boys". We're getting for our move to KC. Perfect timing for an upgrade. :)

  10. Great pics. You'll do fine wherever you go. Wishing you and your family the best. xo.

  11. 1st: you and the hubs are toooo cute!!

    ATL will miss you when you make the move. KC seems spectacular, especially that plaza! Best wishes :)

  12. Wonderful. Cute babies. Xxx

  13. Oh wow, you're moving? I'm all late. Great pics and good luck on your move! My lil Cruz *sniffle*

  14. Your husband sort of looked familiar to me but that may be just because we're both from the bahamas (hopefully I'm done commenting as I peruse your lovely blog).


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