
Friday, November 1, 2013

A Kansas Halloween

We're currently in Kansas City (actually Johnson County which is on the Kansas side) for a few days house hunting.  We're hoping we find something we love as soon as possible so that when we make the move, we can skip the step of living in a corporate rental while we looking for said place to live.  Because we just happened to be here on this date, I guess you can say this is officially our first Halloween spent in Kansas.  We hung out with some friends and took the kiddos trick or treating!  They had a blast.  And if you couldn't tell, the little Power Rangers belong to me.  They were accompanied by what I was calling, "The Princess and the Frog", but I think he was actually a dragon.  haha  And let's not forget Mr. Banana.

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!  This was the first Halloween in like 7 years that I didn't dress-up.  So I intend to make-up for it next year, definitely.  Cross fingers for us that we find our house!


  1. Congrats on your impending move. I wish you were staying in the ATL area though because I plan on moving there sometime in the future and I wanted to meet you in person at least once, since I've 'known' you for YEARS now.
    Your boys look super cute in their costumes!

    1. I have a feeling we will still meet eventually. We still have a lot of "dealings" in Atlanta and will be in town on occasion. Good luck on your future move! Atlanta is a WONDERFUL place to live. I'm going to miss it dearly.

  2. soooo cute! good luck house hunting!

    1. Thanks Vette!! I'm going to expect you (and your blog) to keep me up to date on things in my beloved ATL when I'm gone! ;)

    2. So cute and best of luck with the house search.


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