
Friday, November 8, 2013


I juiced a pomegranate today for the first time.  It was relatively easy and it was delicious!  Some of the health benefits of pomegranate juice are:

  • Most powerful anti-oxidant of all fruits
  • Potent anti-cancer and immune supporting effects
  • Inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation that could cause heart attacks, strokes and embolic disease
  • Lowers cholesterol and other cardiac risk factors
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Shown to promote reversal of atherosclerotic plaque in human studies
  • May have benefits to relieve or protect against depression and osteoporosis
  • Good for your teeth.  Rich in polyphenolic flavonoids—compounds with antibacterial properties—pomegranate juice has been found to be just as effective as prescription mouthwash at ridding the mouth of plaque, the bacteria that causes cavities and gingivitis.

You should definitely give it a try!

Have a great weekend!


  1. My mom is the biggest fan of pomegranate and is always trying to get me to eat them. I think I need to give it a try. At least I know I enjoy drinking it.

  2. Thank you very much for your wonderful posts, it is a true inspiration for many readers, there is always something new to discover and I am sure you awake the desire in many readers to keep reading your posts.

  3. you've inspired me to try adding this to my next morning blend - amazing photos!

  4. Gorgeous images, lady! I've always enjoyed pomegranate seeds in champagne (a tradition at my in-law's for holidays!), but I've never juiced one myself. This needs to happen soon!

  5. completely irrelevant to your post ... but do you get my email responses to the comments you leave on my blog?


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