Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The First Days

If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that we are now in the Kansas City area.  If you're not, following me on Instagram, then all I would like to know is why AREN'T you following me on Instagram??!!  Hop to it! *smile*

We got into Kansas City about 5 days ago and are currently staying in the corporate apartment hubs has been residing part-time while being back-and-forth between KC and ATL.  Our house is ready and waiting for us, but we're waiting for the truck with all of our stuff to show up before we begin staying there.

 The day we got in, the kids were pleasantly surprised to see some leftover snow that was still on the ground from a previous light snowfall.  They were so ecstatic!  This was my youngest boy's first time seeing snow ever, and was like the first time for my oldest as he was so young the last time it snowed in Atlanta that he had no recollection.

Even though the snow was fairly sparce, we found a nice patch that we were able to make a dwarf-sized snowman with.  I have to say, as much as I dislike the cold and all that comes with it including snow, it feels awesome to experience these "firsts" with my boys.

So, now we're pretty settled in until we make the next move to the house, and I've just been trying to get familiar with the area.  We don't have any New Year's Eve plans, and will just chillout and bring it in as a family.  I'm sure the boys probably won't be able to stay up until midnight, but I'll let them try!

2013 was awesome, and I have no doubt that 2014 will be even more amazing.  "Embracing change" will be my motto for 2014!

Wishing all of you the very best in the New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Hey guys, be sure to checkout my little video "interview" on MichiHighlights!  I was stoked that she chose me as her first "out of town" guest in her series.  If you care to know a little more about me and my insight on life, family, etc.--take a gander!

Tell me what you think!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Holidays

I hope you all had an awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Whatever-You-Celebrate, etc!  Mine was great.  Nothing like seeing the smiles on my boys' faces on Christmas morning, especially since this is the first year that they've shown a real interest and belief in Santa Clause.  So this year was extra exciting.

Anyway, at this very moment as I'm typing, there are movers here packing up things all around me and loading it on a 16-wheeler.  The time has come to say goodbye to my beloved Atlanta.  I hope to get back to posting more often real soon!

Oh yea, I cut my hair--really cut.  A separate post/video on that soon.

Take care!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Smoky Eye

Okay, I have to be honest with you guys.  I may seem like a "girl's girl" for the most part....but I'm really kind of not.  Confession: I don't really know how to put on make-up.  I dabble a bit and am able to do what's necessary for me to look nice when stepping out, but really, I have no real skill and I find it a bit intimidating.

I've been slowly making an effort to learn get better, and when I was sent this Studio Gear Smoky Eye Holiday palette, I has happy to have something else to practice with.  This palette truly has everything you need to achieve the perfect smoky eye, and I love how it comes with "instructions" of sorts.  It definitely came in handy!

studio gear smoky eye holiday palette

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rainbow Bright

ninewest tribeco dome leather satchel

So, I feel like I haven't shown my face 'round these parts in a minute, so here's a little outfit post I conjured up for ya. *smile*  Everything but two items in this post are fairly old.  The colorful dress is by XOXO and I bought it off of Amazon for a steal at 13 bucks a couple months back.  It's still for sell, but for a higher price from another seller.  Ah well.  The jacket I've had forever as well.
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