
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Smoky Eye

Okay, I have to be honest with you guys.  I may seem like a "girl's girl" for the most part....but I'm really kind of not.  Confession: I don't really know how to put on make-up.  I dabble a bit and am able to do what's necessary for me to look nice when stepping out, but really, I have no real skill and I find it a bit intimidating.

I've been slowly making an effort to learn get better, and when I was sent this Studio Gear Smoky Eye Holiday palette, I has happy to have something else to practice with.  This palette truly has everything you need to achieve the perfect smoky eye, and I love how it comes with "instructions" of sorts.  It definitely came in handy!

studio gear smoky eye holiday palette

studio gear smoky eye holiday palette

The end result, I was pretty happy with.  This was my first try.  The camera's flash sort of washed out some of the "smoky-ness" (I promise it was there), but I'm sure the next go 'round I will get it right!  I truly do appreciate the dramatics of a true smoky eye and think it's perfect for those holiday events.  Wish me luck that I get it down pat before I have to step out in my party dress later this month.

By the way, the blush color is PERFECT.  I may make this my go-to blush.

Studio Gear Cosmetics is offering my readers 10% off their purchases by using the discount code: SGHOLIDAY at checkout.  Be sure to take a look at their products at  They have all of your beauty needs! I look forward to reviewing some of their other stuff!

Hope your weekend is going well!

*This is a sponsored post, however all thoughts and opinions are my own.*


  1. I think it looks good. I'm sure it's better in person. Good luck on the smokey eye look :)

  2. I'm the same way when it comes to makeup. I can make it acceptable to go out but have no idea how to really apply.

    I think you did great.

    1. Thank you. I'm going to try to start putting more effort into learning. I'm not getting any younger. lol

  3. you look fab! I always attempt a smoky eye, but it never turns out as planned haha -- hope you're doing well :)

  4. Not bad for a first try. It looks good but you could have gone heavier on the "smoke" lol, flash and all ;)
    I am bad with eyeshadow and blush. I do ok with everything else but those two smh.
    Check out this guy on youtube ... I think his name is Gossmakeupartist. I am sure a google search will find him for you easily. He is very good at explaining how to put on makeup especially for beginners!

    1. You're right--I probably could have gone heavier. I was just scurred! lol

      I'll be sure to google that guy. I need all the help I can get!

  5. Love the smokey eye. Girrll you did that ! ;) Don't you just love the ones with instructions lol

    Cha Cha

    1. Thank you!! Yes, instructions are ALWAYS appreciated. lol

  6. It's actually a really good attempt! Flash and all. I think it's a nice clean smokey eye, nothing overly dramatic. Sweet and subtle.

    I am a sucker for the smokey eye look but these days I fail at perfecting it.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll master it in no time.

    Eesh | The Other Side of Paradise

    1. Thank you! I need all the encouragement I can get! :)

  7. Hey Nik, I had never heard of Studio Gear cosmetics. Thanks for the info.. and i love the instructions, cause my smokey eye always looks like i'm a racoon. Will def try this site.


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