Thursday, May 29, 2014

Life Lately...

As usual, I've been slackin' on my blogging.  Fortunately, I'm never slackin' on my picture taking!  If you'd like to keep up with what I'm up to in a more "real time" basis, I suggest you follow my Instagram account!

As for now, I will leave you with some random snaps that I will from-here-on-out, call "Life Lately" posts.

The canal next to The Plaza.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Yay for Fridays!

...well, First Fridays, that is.  I figured it's fitting that I publish this post on a Friday since it's about "First Fridays" in Kansas City.  Here in KC, the first Friday of the month is all about the art walk in the Crossroads Art District in downtown KC.  The area is made-up of art galleries, boutiques, restaurants, creative businesses (i.e. architects, marketing firms, etc.)--you name it.  On a first Friday, these businesses, especially the galleries, open their doors showcasing their latest installments.  If you're lucky, you'll score some free wine too! There are also tons of street vendors of handmade items like jewelry, pottery, art, etc.   Oh, and you can't forget the plethora of street performers and live bands who just set up shop in parking lots, alley ways, etc.  It's like everyone is out to showcase their "talent"--whatever it may be.  It's an amazing, quirky atmosphere, or what I like to call "a hipter's wet dream". 

Friday, May 2, 2014

::KC Eats:: Blue Koi

So who here watches Diners, Drive-in's, and Dives on the Food Network?  It's one of my favorite foodie shows!  I actually take note of the names of restaurants in different cities that I hope to try at some point.  So, of course, when I happened to be watching an episode that featured a restaurant here in Kansas City, of course I had to make it over there.  The restaurant is called Blue Koi, and it offers Asian style dishes, but best known for their dumplings and noodle dishes.

There are a couple locations, but me and hubs had lunch at the Westport location.  Westport, by the way, is a bustling neighborhood filled with trendy restaurants, bars and shops.

Blue Koi Wesport Kansas City

Blue Koi Wesport Kansas City
Shrimp, pork & chicken pan fried dumplings

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